LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A message to LGBTQ+ students

Editor’s Note: The Daily News publishes Letters to the Editor with minimal copy edits and provides a headline only if the author does not provide one. The views expressed in letters do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. We reserve the right to withhold submitted letters depending on the content. Lisa Renze-Rhodes, Ball State Daily News adviser, signed this letter. She was not part of the editorial decision to publish the letter.

To LGBTQ+ students,

While you’re out there, sifting through the latest headlines about anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, we want you to know we’re here, too.

We stand in solidarity with LGBTQ+ students. We are and will seek ways to advocate for these students. We offer our time and energy to ensure their equal protection in the state of Indiana and beyond. 

Your community is known for its resilience — persevering through decades of discrimination, bigotry and bias. We recognize the emotional labor invested in years of fighting. Fighting for your right to be out and open. Fighting for your right to marry. Fighting for your right to equitable healthcare. Fighting for your right to exist. However, the current onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation should not be left on the shoulders of the community. Resilience is admirable, but rest and safety is vital to sustain an enriching life on campus. 

You belong here. We want you to know that so many of us are fighting for you. If you need additional support, we can provide resources as you navigate these difficult times. We will not stop the fight.


Leo Caldwell, Natalee K. Seely, Tong Li, Kevin Moloney, Joshua A. Fisher, Matt Lowe, Jennifer Palilonis, Megan McNames, Brooke Kemp, Dr. James N. Rediger, Martin Smith-Rodden, Kate H. Elliott, Beth A. Messner, Kathy Denker, Ben Bascom, Melinda Messineo, Melanie Turner, Silas Hansen Jennifer Erickson, Cailín Murray, Rachael D. Smith, Cathy Day, Tiffany Flowers, Vanessa Rapatz, Jennifer Grouling, Cheri Madewell, Matthew R. Hotham, Joseph A. Marchal, Deborah M. Mix, Jason Powell, Elizabeth N. Agnew, Mike Martinez, Ashley Donnelly, Scarlett Hester, Rani Deighe Crowe, Katy Didden, Dr. Gabriel B. Tait, Lisa Renze, Sungwon Chung, Dr. Robin Blom, Dr. YoungAh Lee


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