Ball State University SGA and the HPA are partnering for a safe sex event Nov. 16

Student Services Chair Trent McKenzie talks with his committee in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Nov. 9. Student Services will host their safe sex event on Nov. 16 in the multicultural center from 6-8 p.m. Elijah Poe, DN
Student Services Chair Trent McKenzie talks with his committee in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Nov. 9. Student Services will host their safe sex event on Nov. 16 in the multicultural center from 6-8 p.m. Elijah Poe, DN

“Safer Sex, It’s Condom Sense”

That’s the name for the event promoting safe sex created by the Ball State University Student Government Association (SGA) and Ball State Health Promotion and Advocacy (HPA).

The event is scheduled to be held in the Ball State multicultural center’s multipurpose room Nov. 16 from 6-8 p.m.

“It is a really great opportunity for SGA to partner with university resources to provide more information to students about what exactly the university can provide,” Trent McKenize, the student services chair, said. “The university can provide so many different services and we just don’t touch them. That has been the primary focus this semester for services, which is why we brought in the career center on the different resources they provide, that is why we are looking at getting the counseling center in next semester for a mental health event. We are just trying to use and emphasize the different resources on campus.”

McKenzie said this event has been in the works for SGA and the services committee throughout this whole semester. McKenzie is working to finalize purchases for the event to ensure things  are ready for next week. 

Then senator for the At-Large Caucus Brenna Large, now a parliamentarian, started a safe sex event last year that saw great success, the idea this year is to continue that success. The SGA executive board also pushed for this event this year, and is helping to continue this event into the future. The board also gave more money to make the event bigger. 

“We are going to have the educational component where there will be trained health center staff actually giving people the correct information on how to have healthier sexual awareness and identity,” McKenzie said.

Large also explained the success of the election day watch  party hosted in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center yesterday. 

“We did go through 24 pizzas, six cases of soda and 80 bags of chips, if that gives you an idea of how many people were  there,” Large said. “We did have people that didn't even get any food, so it was really great attendance.”

SGA President Tina Nguyen evoked the idea of students writing letters and thank you notes to admin and staff at Ball State. 

“We are going to fill out thank you cards to administrators and staff, and then not this week but next week, I am going to set up tabling opportunities so we get more students filling out those cards,” Nguyen said. “By the end of the semester, they will get mailed out to the faculty and staff just as  a little appreciation from us students.”

Academic Affairs is still progressing on a “Hit the Books Bash” this December to help encourage students to study for finals. 

There were no special guests, no special orders of business, no unfinished business and no new business, making it a short meeting. 

Contact Elijah Poe with comments at or on Twitter @ElijahPoe4.


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