Women's golf places 12th at Little Rock Classic

After about a ten-hour drive, the Ball State women's golf team arrived at their last invitational of the fall season. 

The Cardinals went down south to Hot Springs Village, Arkansas for the Little Rock Golf Classic. 

Ball State placed 12th out of 16 shooting 924 total. 

Ball State’s lineup consisted of first-year Sarah Gallagher, first-year Jasmine Driscoll, first-year Madeline Boyd, graduate student Peyton Broce and second-year Paige Hillman. 

Ball State would again be missing third-year Kiah Parrott again due to injury. 

“She's doing fine, we wish that she was able to play and I know she wishes she was able to play too but we feel good that she'll be back in the spring and that'll be a big boost to us,” head coach Cameron Andry said. 

Monday - Round One

After round one, all five of Ball State’s starting five were under 80. 

“We probably didn't get off to a great start but we also probably started on a couple of the more difficult, maybe the most difficult stretch in the golf course,” Andry said. “It was good to kind of get through that and then we settled in and made a few birdies and strung together a good string of pars. So yeah, that was really encouraging.”

Driscoll led the Cardinals in round one, shooting a 1-over-par score of 73. She had three bogeys, two birdies and 13 pars. 

Boyd, who had a similar scorecard to Driscoll, shot 2-over-par 74 with four bogeys, two birdies and 12 pars. 

Hillman would follow close behind posting 4-over-par 76. Hillman had 15 pars in her first round. 

Gallagher shot 6-over-par 78, followed by Broce 7-over-par 79.

Monday - Round Two 

Gallagher would drop five strokes to lead the Cardinals in the second round, shooting 1-over-par 73. 

Broce had 15 pars in her effort in the second round, shooting 3-over par 75. 

Driscoll shot 5-over-par 77, she would shoot 4-over-par on her front nine, but dropped three strokes and finished 1-over-par on her back nine. 

Boyd posted a score of 7-over-par 79 and Hillman shot 13-over-par 85. 

Going into the third and final round the Cardinals were 10th out of 16 teams. 

“We can’t play defense so we don't really try to worry too much about, we want to beat this team or that team, but we just want to do what we can do to play a good round, Andry said. “I would love to see something sub-300 which I think is definitely doable for us.

Tuesday - Round Three

The Cardinals would fall short of the sub-300 round, shooting 319 in their last round. 

“It was disappointing. Just didn't play very well and didn't execute very well,” Andry said. “You know, I wish I knew why, but we just didn't have our best stuff. It's a little disappointing to finish the fall that way, but there were plenty of good things to take away from this event as well.”

The third round was led by Gallagher, shooting 5-over-par 77, she also led the team individually placing tied for 36th. 

Driscoll shot 8-over-par 80 and was followe by Broce and Boyd who both shot 9-over-par 81. 

Hillman finished at 13-over-par 85. 

The Cardinals will take a long break and prepare for the spring season next year. 

“We'll sit down with each player and figure [it] out, look at their statistics and kind of figure out strengths and weaknesses and come up with a plan for them to address some of those things,” Andry said. “Some of them are skill related, some of them are getting in the gym and getting stronger and faster, some of it is we'll continue to work on on the mental side of things. We'll look at everything we'll leave no stone unturned as we try to give them every opportunity to put in work between now and February.”

Contact Elijah Poe with comments at elijah.poe@bsu.edu or on Twitter @ElijahPoe4


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