A look back on Ball State University Spring 2022 Commencement

Representatives from Ball State University’s band welcomed students to May 7’s 10 a.m. main ceremony for Ball State’s Spring 2022 Commencement. The 10 a.m. main ceremony on the Quad was the first of four ceremonies scattered throughout the day. 

Including pre-ceremony activities, the 10 a.m. ceremony live stream lasted just under one hour and 35 minutes. This ceremony was to confer the degrees of those graduating with Master’s and other special degrees, along with some in attendance being specially recognized. 

The ceremony on the Quad concluded with a song sung by many graduates majoring in theater and dance programs. 

At 12:30 p.m., Miller College of Business and College of Communication, Information, and Media held their commencement ceremony at Worthen Arena. Those in attendance bore witness to a handful of speeches by Ball State staff, including Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Susana Rivera-Mills introducing the ceremony. 

This ceremony’s live stream lasted just under two hours at one hour and 55 minutes. Rivera-Mills proceeded to introduce the next two ceremonies as well. 

The first of which was the College of Fine Arts and College of Sciences and Humanities commencement ceremony in Worthen Arena at 3:30 p.m. Said ceremony proceeded in a similar manner to the one directly before and after and lasted just under one hour and 41 minutes. 

The last commencement ceremony of the day was also held in Worthen Arena where the R. Wayne Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning; College of Health; and Teachers College had their degrees conferred and those graduating walked across the stage where they received their degrees. The live stream for this ceremony lasted just under one hour and 42 minutes.

Each ceremony took place in a similar fashion, in that those with the highest academic honors were recognized first and the ceremonies proceeded in descending fashion from there. It is estimated that approximately 3,400 degrees were confirmed across the four ceremonies, while over 2,500 graduates were in attendance.


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