Welcome back to Ball State from your friends at Cardinal Kitchen! This year, we will continue to help students attain free groceries and personal care items. Take-out and grocery stores are expensive and can make it difficult for students to save money when keeping a strict budget.
Cardinal Kitchen’s mission is to ensure Ball State undergrads and graduates provide another resource for food supplies and personal care items at no cost to remove a layer of stress for you. Our priority is reducing the food insecurity that many BSU students experience today.
What is food insecurity?
What exactly is food insecurity? The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life.
It's no secret that college students are at a higher risk of dealing with food insecurity and the challenges it presents. Some of these challenges may look like skipping a meal, avoiding buying a textbook or working overtime to make ends meet. Having to pay all of these fees monthly can become a heavy weight on your shoulders.
Who does food insecurity affect?
Research by Forbes Advisor mentions in Fall 2020, the Hope Center discovered 34% of students were facing the issue of food insecurity before COVID-19, now it is 1.7 times more likely for people who have been infected with the virus. Every 1 in 3 college students are unsure when they will have their next meal according to Student LunchBox, and a 2018 survey by Swipe Hunger found that 45% of the 86,000 students who responded were food insecure before the end of the month while attending a university.
How can Cardinal Kitchen Help?
We encourage all students who are in need of food and supplies to visit our pantry. Cardinal Kitchen is located in the Student Center, Room L-26 and is open to Ball State students and staff the last three Thursdays of each month, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Here is a list of supplies from Cardinal Kitchen:
- Fresh fruit, vegetables and bread
- Canned fruit
- Peanut butter and Jelly
- Granola bars
- Ramen
- Juice
- Pasta and pasta sauce
- Soup
- Soap
- Toilet paper
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Laundry detergent
- Shaving cream and razors
- Feminine products
And so much MORE!
Get connected with us on social media! Stay updated on Cardinal Kitchen and events by following us on Twitter (@BSUCardKitchen), Instagram (@bsucardkitch) and Facebook (Ball State Cardinal Kitchen)