MCS students, Muncie Human Rights Commission host march in response to social justice classroom project discussions

After the early release day Nov. 23, Muncie Central High School students hosted a protest march from the high school grounds to City Hall in response to teacher Katey O’Connor’s classroom projects about social issues being moved inside her classroom rather than displayed in the hallway.

A Nov. 15 statement from Muncie Community Schools (MCS) said O’Connor was asked to move her posters inside the classroom after “the display created a disruptive discussion between a student and School Resource Officers.”

A peaceful protest was held inside the high school student center the morning of Nov. 15, which prompted administrators to declare e-learning days for the following three days as they “prepare[d] the appropriate course of action to address the issues raised on Monday,” according to a Nov. 16 tweet.

The school returned to in-person learned Nov. 19. 
