What Are The Finer Things in Life?

A century ago, if you asked someone the definition of the term finer things in life, you might have heard responses like, a good cigar, or tailor-made clothing. Those two still fit the definition, but the 2020s generation of working people are more likely to include products like high-tech mattresses, vaporizers, and quiet rooms in their homes. In addition to material objects, modern finer things can encompass a lifestyle that allows for working from home, or taking several vacations per year. Luxury, in many ways, is in the eye of the beholder, or in this case, the consumer. Here are several examples of what modern people view as the finer things in life.

Supportive Mattresses

In a society where the average office job entails hours of sitting in front of a computer monitor and keyboard, it's no wonder that the human body is taking a collective pounding. Even for those who know the tips to practice excellent efficient posture, a day of office work can translate into sleep problems. For many, the savior is a supportive mattress. If you haven't been mattress shopping in the last couple of years, be prepared to be shocked by the selection, science, and variety of products in this once lethargic retail category. Today's mattresses offer high-tech substances, devices, and space-age technology that works to hold the body in an ergonomic, healthy position all night long. Prices are higher, but to be fair, the latest units come with five-year and longer guarantees.


The market segment has grown considerably during the past decade as millions of consumers discover portable vaporizers. Not only do high-quality portables make vaping a simple, anywhere pastime, but the deliver stellar flavor and value for the dollar spent. If you vape, you can benefit by checking out a detailed review that describes how the Mighty has effectively set the standard in the portable niche and continues to lead the sector with new offerings.

Frequent, Short Vacations

In an economy that's becoming more flexible and non-standardized with each passing year, more working adults are opting to take multiple mini vacations instead of a single, two-week or three-week annual break. This is also a good way to travel for cheap since the duration is shortened. Apparently, the human mind responds much better to a series of, for example, a half-dozen four-day weekends per year as opposed to the traditional two-week version.

Home-Based Jobs

One of the positive results of the digital revolution is that millions of full-time and part-time workers never have to commute to an office. Working from home has its pros and cons, but judging by the popularity of telecommuting, as it is called, folks prefer the open structure and personal freedom that goes with ditching the traditional office and rush hour headaches that come with it.

Quiet Rooms

Even real estate professionals are now touting extra bedrooms as quiet rooms when they give walk through tours of homes. A generation ago, extra space in a house was called a sewing room or art space, but with rising noise levels and ever-present technology, more home owners are opting to use that spare room as a tech-free quiet space.

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