Ball State SGA welcomes 11 new senators

<p>Brenna Hackett, newly-elected collegiate representative for the College of Science and Humanities, speaks to Ball State&#x27;s Student Government Association (SGA) Sept. 1. Hackett was one of 11 new senators voted into SGA at the senate meeting. <strong>John Lynch, DN</strong></p>

Brenna Hackett, newly-elected collegiate representative for the College of Science and Humanities, speaks to Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA) Sept. 1. Hackett was one of 11 new senators voted into SGA at the senate meeting. John Lynch, DN

On Wednesday, Sept. 1, Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA) conducted its first meeting of the semester and voted multiple new students into the senate.

11 of 12 prospective inductees were voted into their positions by the sitting senators, each bringing new ideas on how to improve the campus, such as heightened mental health awareness and new safety programs.

“I think we had a bunch of new freshmen, which I think was absolutely amazing," said President Pro Tempore Davis Odom. “I'm looking forward to what the Senate will have to offer this year.”

The only prospective senator not selected was Odom, who faced off against Brenna Hackett for the position of senate representative for the College of Science and Humanities in the collegiate caucus. SGA Treasurer Jacob Bartolotta said the decision came down to measuring both candidates' past experience in student government.

SGA also reviewed an amendment that proposes to expand the senate by allowing more generous limits on the number of available seats in each caucus. The senate will discuss and vote on this amendment at its meeting Sept. 15.

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