Ball State SGA introduces amendment for representatives at fraternity and sorority life council meetings

<p>Joseph Gassensmith, chief of staff for Ball State&#x27;s Student Government Association (SGA) speaks to senators at the SGA meeting Sept. 8. Senators reviewed an amendment that proposes to send an executive slate member to fraternity and sorority life leadership council meetings. <strong>Nathan Hill, DN</strong></p>

Joseph Gassensmith, chief of staff for Ball State's Student Government Association (SGA) speaks to senators at the SGA meeting Sept. 8. Senators reviewed an amendment that proposes to send an executive slate member to fraternity and sorority life leadership council meetings. Nathan Hill, DN

Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) introduced a new amendment at its Sept. 8 meeting, which proposes to send one executive slate member to all Interfraternity Council (IFC), National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) and Panhellenic Association (PHA) meetings.

The bill aims to “drastically” strengthen the connection between student government and governing fraternity and sorority organizations.

SGA Chief of Staff Joseph Gassensmith referenced the two-way representation between SGA and on-campus students, and said in an interview the senate isn’t “providing the same service or communication to its off-campus students.”

The amendment is endorsed by NPHC President Tavyn Smith, IFC President Harley Lohmeyer and PHA President Marissa Perkowski. 

Some senators disagreed with the amendment, including organizational caucus representative Grant Wilson, who said the opportunity to attend fraternity and sorority council meetings should be extended to senators and not just executive leadership.

“It just makes more sense to have the senators connect with the organizations,” Wilson said.

In addition to the new amendment, the SGA budget for the 2021-22 school year was also presented by treasurer Jacob Bartolotta.

New senators Grayson Joslin, Ella Lautzenheiser and Noah Clark applied to join the at-large caucus and were each voted in by the sitting senators.

Contact Nathan Hill with comments at
