Ball State community welcomes Ashley C. Ford back to campus for writer-in-residence event

Ashley C. Ford, 2018 Ball State alumna and fall 2021 writer-in-residence, read a chapter from her book, “Somebody’s Daughter,” in front of a crowd of students, faculty and community members Sept. 15 at Pruis Hall.

Greeted by applause from the crowd, Ford, a New York Times bestselling author, took the stage to read a chapter from her memoir and answer questions from the crowd. 

“After spending time reading such a wonderful novel, something that’s so real, and then tying it to the events that took place at the school we’re at right now — some of the locations, the people that were mentioned … It's one of the few instances I feel like where I actually genuinely have pride for Ball State outside of just my individual programs,” said Jim Jarzynski, senior English and criminal justice major. “Just seeing her come out and speak, it’s just really special.”

Ford began writing her memoir while she was a student at Ball State, and Muncie makes multiple appearances in the book.

“It’s really cool to see how students take what we’re teaching them in class and really put it into practice. I love that she’s able to come back here and talk about how what she learned in class helped her become a New York Times bestselling writer,” said Silas Hansen, associate professor of English and director of creative writing. “Make sure that you read [‘Somebody’s Daughter’], it’s fantastic.”

After the reading, Ford autographed copies of the books for those in attendance.

On Oct. 7, there will be a conversation held between Ford and Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns in Sursa Hall at 7:30 p.m. On Nov. 11, English Professor Jill Christman will join Ford for the “Somebody’s Daughter” book club in Ball State’s Student Center Ballroom in the  L.A. Pittenger Student Center at 7:30 p.m. Both upcoming events are free and open to the public.

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