Ball State vice president for marketing and communications shares plans for resignation

<p><strong>Ball State University, Photo Courtesy</strong></p>

Ball State University, Photo Courtesy

Ball State Vice President for Marketing and Communications Kathy Wolf shared her plans for resignation Aug. 16.

Wolf said via email she is leaving the university at the end of the month, and she is "grateful for the opportunity" to work in the marketing and communications department.

Wolf also said she believes the future for Ball State "is very bright" and plans for her successor will be announced to the campus community as they are made.

Rose Costello, associate vice president for human resources, said via email Aug. 20 Wolf's last day is Aug. 27. Costello said Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns told her Wolf "positively contributed to elevating the profile of the university. Her particular work with the We Fly campaign, the improvement of the Alumni Magazine, the comprehensive rebuilding of the university’s web presence and the improvement of the university’s social media outreach were very helpful in this regard."

Costello said Wolf is leaving Ball State to pursue other professional opportunities.

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