Ball State to host summer 2021 graduates in Worthen Arena

<p>Ball State graduates, staff, faculty and families fill John E. Worthen Arena for winter commencement Dec. 14, 2019. Worthen Arena will host summer 2021 gradautes July 24, 2021. <strong>Charles Melton, DN File</strong></p>

Ball State graduates, staff, faculty and families fill John E. Worthen Arena for winter commencement Dec. 14, 2019. Worthen Arena will host summer 2021 gradautes July 24, 2021. Charles Melton, DN File

For future updates and additional details, visit Ball State's commencement website.

In a campus-wide email sent Thursday morning, Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns announced plans for a July 24 commencement ceremony at Worthen Arena for summer 2021 graduates.

Mearns said additional details about the time and number of ceremonies will be shared later to account for state and local COVID-19 guidelines.

Undergraduate students must apply to graduate by June 28 and graduate students must apply by June 1, even if they don't wish to participate in a commencement ceremony. Those wishing to walk at commencement must separately register for the ceremony by June 28 and order caps and gowns by June 25. Caps and gowns can also be purchased at the Ball State Bookstore in the Art and Journalism Building.

Consistent with spring 2021 commencement ceremony guidelines, each summer 2021 graduate who registers for commencement will receive four complimentary guest tickets and all attendees, including graduates, will be required to wear masks.

"Based on the success of our May commencement ceremonies for our spring 2021 and 2020 graduates, I am confident that we can provide the same in-person experience for our summer 2021 graduates," Mearns said in the email.


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