Ball State SGA welcomes four new senators into caucuses

<p>Senators listen to junior Asia Bennett introduce herself before voting her into the at-large caucus at the Sept. 9 SGA meeting. Each applicant for senate introduced themselves and answered questions during the virtual Zoom meeting. <strong>Grace McCormick, Screenshot Capture.</strong></p>

Senators listen to junior Asia Bennett introduce herself before voting her into the at-large caucus at the Sept. 9 SGA meeting. Each applicant for senate introduced themselves and answered questions during the virtual Zoom meeting. Grace McCormick, Screenshot Capture.

At Ball State’s student government association (SGA) third virtual meeting of the fall semester, one new senator was voted into the off-campus caucus and three were voted into the at-large caucus.

Asia Bennett, junior sociology major, joined the off-campus caucus. Auston Everman — sophomore telecommunications major, John Wilcox — sophomore legal studies major and Trent McKenzie, sophomore political science and communication studies double major, joined the at-large caucus.

Mario Traficanti, junior construction management major, applied for the off-campus caucus, but was not voted in, with 13 of 28 votes against him and 5 senators abstaining.

During his executive report, SGA president Connor Sanburn said senators would be at the scramble light beginning Friday, Sept. 11 to help students register to vote in honor of national voter registration day on Sept. 22. BSU Democrats and College Republicans will assist with the project.

SGA chief administrator Gina Esposito updated senators on Bold’s platform point progress before the end of the meeting. On Friday, Sept. 4, Esposito said she, chief of staff Tyra Holland and secretary of justice Gaven Schulz met with Bill Betts, director of Counseling and Health Services, to plan a socially distant SGA-Counseling Center partnership event for the spring 2021 semester.

“The goal of this event is going to be to destress and improve student moods, while also offering some mental health resources,” Esposito said.

Sanburn and Esposito drafted proposals for the Bold platform points of free menstrual products in bathrooms and heated bus stations on campus, which Esposito said she will send to three employees in the Facilities and Planning Management office on Monday, Sept. 14.

Contact Grace McCormick with comments at or on Twitter @graceMc564.


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