Three Ball State students will be studying abroad during the 2020-21 academic year as recipients of Fulbright scholarships, a program sponsored by the U.S. State Department to increase mutual understanding between people in the United States and other countries.
The recipients are as follows:
- Natalie Bradshaw, senior history and social studies education major, has been awarded an English teaching assistantship to Germany, where she also intends to become involved with a Wandertag or a German hiking club.
- Mylie Brennan, who is about to complete her master’s in communication studies, will go to Queen’s University Belfast in Northern Ireland, where she will undertake a doctoral program in global peace, security, and justice, with a focus on the political identities of young people in post-conflict Northern Ireland.
- Valerie Weingart, who is about to complete her master’s degree in English and creative writing, has received an English Teaching Assistantship to Poland. Weingart completed bachelor’s degrees in English and music in 2018 from Ball State.
While Brennan will begin her program in the fall, Bradshaw and Weingart will begin their programs January 2021 due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
Of the 22 Ball State students who applied to the Fulbright program, 11 were named finalists and three were accepted by the program. Three students — Christine Hatfield, Matt Hinkleman and Faye Steele — have also been named alternates and can become recipients if a participant drops out of the program.