by Nick Black Pokémon Mystery Dungeon is an odd, but compelling, sub-series in the Pokémon franchise. The idea of humans never existing and Pokémon having to evolve, both in the natural and the philosophical sense, has always been a cool concept. Despite this, my only experience with the franchise was on the 3DS with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. I don’t remember hating it—in fact, I really enjoyed it—but I remember getting bored very quickly. On the other hand, I was 13 years old back then and I thought the First Pokémon movie was really good cinema…so, my memory is near perfect. But when it was announced (and pretty randomly I might add) that they were going to do a remaster of the original Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, I must say I was curious. At first, I actually had high hopes; no one does re-releases quite like Nintendo, since they're usually packed with extra content like with Hyrule Warriors or Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. However, this is also The Pokémon Company, AKA the lazy backbone of the Nintendo Corporation. I hadn’t forgotten about Pokémon Sun and Moon re-releases being nearly the same exact games as beforehand, as well as the fact that storing Pokémon on my Switch is now somehow more expensive than my Switch Online membership. So, my expectation was a little bit mixed going in. However, this is Nintendo, and even when their lazy part does something right, they do it really, really right!
Two heroes are better than one

Hi-Ho! Off to The Mystery Dungeons We Go!

Popping Colors and Atmosphere

Nintendo Nintendo