Ball State SGA hosts first virtual meeting

<p>President Aiden Medellin (third from left) stands alongside his slate members during the 2019 Student Government Association (SGA) elections. SGA held its first virtual meeting via the Webex online video conferencing platform March 18, 2020. <strong>Scott Fleener, DN File</strong></p>

President Aiden Medellin (third from left) stands alongside his slate members during the 2019 Student Government Association (SGA) elections. SGA held its first virtual meeting via the Webex online video conferencing platform March 18, 2020. Scott Fleener, DN File

Ball State’s Student Government Association (SGA) hosted its first virtual meeting Wednesday through Cisco’s Webex online video conference platform.

“I think the advantage is that SGA can still be functional,” said SGA Vice President Cameron DeBlasio. “It’s a blessing that we have the opportunity to still be an organization that can be impacting students on this campus.”

In a statement released on social media Tuesday, SGA members encouraged students to reach out to senators regarding concerns that SGA can address or whether it can offer support.

The statement also encouraged students to practice social distancing, which DeBlasio said inspired the Monday executive meeting and the Wednesday senate meeting to both be hosted on Webex.

“I think everybody is settled in … and people are still finding the time through all of this craziness to make sure SGA is running effectively,” DeBlasio said.

Student Government Association (SGA) Vice President Cameron DeBlasio enters the senate meeting March 18, 2020, hosted on Cisco's Webex online platform. DeBlasio said SGA's executive board members also held a Webex meeting March 16. Grace McCormick, Webex Screenshot Capture

The senate did not have any unfinished or new business to address. Committee and caucus meetings were not held on Webex during the meeting as they usually are held during in-person SGA meetings, but committee and caucus chairs gave reports on their plans for the remainder of the semester.

Savannah Bassett, organizational caucus chair, said her caucus is “trying to figure out who is coming back next year … so [they] can get together as a caucus and plan ahead for next year.”

Miryam Bevelle, chair of the governmental affairs and community advancement committee, said her committee has already started working on events for the fall 2020 semester.

“We’re remotely working with each other,” Bevelle said. “We have our emergency text alert verification event planned for the fall to get students achievement points for signing up.”

Due to President Geoffrey Mearns asking for all event cancelations, many SGA-sponsored events were canceled, including the “Take Back the Night” event for sexual assault survivors scheduled for April 8.

Lauren Kamykowski, sexual assault ad-hoc chair, said she is “still talking with the Office of Victim Services and [they] have every intention for this event to happen in the fall.”

Also in the virtual meeting, DeBlasio said he expects some legislation and amendments to be introduced in the next two weeks.

The inauguration of the Bold slate is scheduled for April 15, but if slate members request for the inauguration to be moved to the fall semester, DeBlasio said that could be possible.

“We are hoping to have the five [Elevate] executive members present on Ball State’s campus and the new five, Bold plus [President Pro Tempore Dylan [Lewandowski] to be inaugurated somewhere on campus,” he said. “We would all love to still be able to be in Cardinal Hall B … it’s just something that you have to adjust to.”

Contact Grace McCormick with comments at or on Twitter @graceMc564.


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