Ball State's Unity Scholarship Pageant crowns Miss Unity 2020

After a night of music, dance and performance, Ball State has a new Miss Unity.

A field of seven contestants showcased their talents Jan. 26, 2020, at Pruis Hall. The categories of talent were introduction, a talent performance, a description of a volunteer experience and a brief Q&A segment.

Dianna Randle was crowned Miss Unity 2020 at the end of the Black Student Association’s (BSA) annual Unity Scholarship Pageant. Listed below are all seven candidates, along with the individual awards they collected.

  • Dianna Randle: Miss Unity 2020, Most Advertisement Sales
  • Olamide Awoola: First Runner-Up, Crowd Favorite, Goofiest Goober
  • Trinity Mitchell: Second Runner-Up, Most Encouraging, Miss Congeniality
  • Imani Brown: Most Likely to Continue Pageanting
  • Michaela Lindsay: Most Improved
  • Francesca Fontus
  • Kye Wilson

Randle, a senior biology major, said she intends to become a nurse practitioner and aims to “inspire others to constantly be the best version of ourselves” through educating others about health.

“My mission in life is not just to survive, but to thrive and do so with passion, compassion, humor and style,” Randle said.

The pageant, which followed the theme “Keys to the Kingdom,” was hosted by BSA President and senior computer information systems major Jalen Jones and senior legal studies major Tyleeah Stanley.

One of the 300 people in the audience was junior entrepreneurial management major Kayla Wade, who said she wasn’t supporting any one candidate and was just there to support the contestants.

She also said she admired the hard work that goes into performing in pageants.

“I know it's months of preparation of practicing, and rehearsing and making sure you get the materials you need together, so I know it's a lot of hard work and dedication,” Wade said.

Contact John Lynch with comments at or on Twitter @WritesLynch.
