Cloud Coverage Continues

Today: Expect a mild cloudy day with a few glimpses of sun throughout the day. The high is 38 with humidity at 79% giving us reason to expect some type of precipitation this weekend. 

Tonight: This evening you should expect a mostly cloudy night with mild winds of about 3-4 mph heading eastward. Tonight temperatures should drop into the low 30s for a cold but quiet evening. 

7 Day Forecast: Looking into the next week, cloud cover will continue to be present. Although we can look forward to a Sunny Superbowl Sunday as temperatures spike to the high 40s with sunny skies most of the day. It will be a nice break before the clouds return for the coming week. We do have a few chances of precipitation Friday and Saturday night and a possibility of rain or snow early next week.

---Weather Forecaster MeKayla Cooper


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