College life is complicated. Whether you’re in your first year away from home, getting ready to graduate, or somewhere in between, learning to fend for yourself is one of many things you’ll learn in the next few years. Here are our top 10 hacks for making grocery shopping easier this fall:
1) Avoid complications. You’re on a budget and you have a ton of classes and studying to do. You don’t have time to clip coupons, remember your loyalty card, or think about getting a great deal. Don’t carry a calculator just to buy the basics. At Ruler Foods, we don’t make you work to save money. What you see is what you pay. We only carry your grocery essentials and keep our product lineup simple, so we’re able to offer every day low prices that your wallet will love.
2) Buy only what you need. People will tell you to buy in bulk, but it doesn’t really save you a lot of money if you’re wasting food. It might not seem like a lot, but it adds up over time. Ruler Foods is only about 3 miles away (3500 N Morrison Rd). Jump in the car, take the bus, hitch a ride with a friend, hop on your bike.
3) Buy the store brand. It’s usually cheaper than name brand. They’re just as high quality and you get more bang for your buck. Ruler Foods focuses on trusted Kroger brands, such as Simple Truth and Private Selection, and our meats and produce are the same ones that you’ll find at Kroger! Go organic this semester without breaking your budget.
4) Invest in a couple of reusable shopping bags. Ruler Foods strives to be eco-friendly and has you bag your own groceries. But you should have reusable shopping bags available for all your shopping. At Ruler Foods, that helps us keep prices low, but also helps you not have to figure out what to do with a thousand single-use bags that just end up in a landfill. Oh. And carry a quarter. You’ll need it to rent a cart.
5) Ramen isn’t a food group. If you’re trying to eat on a budget, ramen is the go-to, but a bag of apples or a bag of pasta and a jar of tomato sauce can be just as cheap and keep you from lying to your parents about whether you’re eating healthy.
6) Buy the chips. And the cookies. You know you want them. You know you’ll end up buying them at a gas station at 2:00 am after studying for hours on end. Buy them at Ruler Foods and you’ll have them available for when you need them and won’t feel guilty about the extra money spent.
7) Use a tortilla as a bowl. Not only do they make great wraps and sandwiches, but they keep you from doing dishes when you’re feeling lazy and they’re less expensive than brand name.
8) Don’t waste time. You don’t have time to shop an entire grocery story to find the 5 things you need. Limited format grocery stores help you get in, get out, and get back to, um, studying.
9) You CAN make your own coffee. You might be a Starbucks gold member, but that $5 coffee adds up. Buy bottles of frappe or cold brew if you don’t have a coffee maker. Or invest in k-cups and use a friend’s machine. Or google “make coffee without a maker.” We’ve got the coffee. Figure it out.
10) Make a list and plan ahead. You might think it’s easier to jump in the car and pickup whatever looks good, but you’ll end up spending a ton of money on things you want and won’t have money for things you need. Luckily, Ruler Foods focuses on only the basics, so you won’t be tempted to waste your money on junk.
Buying groceries shouldn’t feel like trying to understand your GPA. Ruler Foods can help make grocery shopping easier. Hopefully these tips will help you skip the panic and go straight to the fun part of buying your own food in college. Check us out online at or on facebook at
Have a better hack? Post on Instagram and tag @RulerFoods. We’ll pick our favorites to share and send you a gift card as thanks!