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Ball State Tech Fair highlights technology solutions now and into the future

by Blake Chapman Ball State University Libraries held the Tech Fair in Bracken Library on Sept. 24 and 25 to present faculty and students with tools and solutions for the academic year and beyond. Multiple organizations across campus including University Technology Services, the Digital Corps, and the Division of Online and Strategic Learning presented hands-on learning sessions across the library. Tech Center consumers got crucial information about the programs they demanded the most. “The focus and primary goal of the Tech Fair this year was to introduce faculty to technology tools and solutions available on campus that can be used to enhance the classroom experience,” Brad Faust, the University Libraries co-chair, said in an email. Information sessions on Box.com and the Adobe Creative Cloud were the most popular, but they were not the only hands-on presentations offered to students and faculty. Learning sessions on topics like Canvas, Print Smart facilities, Qualtrics, and Web Archiving were available to attendees as well. Vendors like Apple and Microsoft were also brought in to better explain the potential for productivity with their products, including iPads in the classroom and Office 365 respectively. When it comes to the future, University Libraries has engaged with groups like the Student Government Association to react to student ideas and keep up with demands of the community. Focus groups, surveys, and unsolicited comments have also provided comments on new services and programs that Faust hopes “we can use [that information] to plan and develop future activities and events.” Information technology hopes to better future opportunities with partners like Dell, Adobe, and others to showcase products available to the Ball State community.

Source Ball State University Libraries Image Ball State University