Muncie Mayoral candidates participate in Q&A at Central High School

<p>The three Muncie mayoral candidates, (left to right) Terry White Bailey, Dan Ridenour and Steve Smith answered questions from the audience, Sept. 26, 2019, at the Muncie Central Auditorium. Panelists had to answer questions in under a minute time limit. <strong>Jacob Musselman, DN</strong></p>

The three Muncie mayoral candidates, (left to right) Terry White Bailey, Dan Ridenour and Steve Smith answered questions from the audience, Sept. 26, 2019, at the Muncie Central Auditorium. Panelists had to answer questions in under a minute time limit. Jacob Musselman, DN

The three Muncie mayoral candidates participated in a Q&A session Sept. 26 at Muncie Central High School.

Following a similar session for candidates for Muncie’s City Council, Terry Whitt Bailey (D), Dan Ridenour (R) and Steve Smith (L) took questions on their electability, Muncie’s economy and the confidence of Muncie residents in their local government.

The debate was held by Ball State's Bowen Center for Public Affairs.

NewsLink Indiana, partner of The Daily News, streamed the event live on its Facebook page.


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