Five common Family Weekend questions

Students and family wait outside to enter Shafer Tower during the 2017 Family Weekend after the Bell Tower recital. This year the Bell Tower recital will be held 11 a.m. Sept. 14. Rebecca Slezak, DN
Students and family wait outside to enter Shafer Tower during the 2017 Family Weekend after the Bell Tower recital. This year the Bell Tower recital will be held 11 a.m. Sept. 14. Rebecca Slezak, DN

Ball State’s annual Family Weekend is a time for cardinals to show off their nest away from home to family and friends. With a packed schedule packed of events and opportunities, it can be easy to get a little lost in all of the excitement.

The Daily News sat down with Travis Peters, associate director of the Pittenger Student Center, to get answers to the most common questions visiting families have during Family Weekend. 

1. What are the most common costs? 

Having your family come down and visiting can be a lot of fun but you do want to make sure your not over spending. Most things, like dining, will have their costs laid out in the schedule that will be made for the weekend. On Friday night there will be a showing of Secret Life of Pets 2 that will be free as well as Late Night Saturday night at 9pm. 

2. Where to park? 

When visiting a place you aren’t familiar with, parking can be a challenge. Every weekend at Ball State, there is free parking from 7 p.m. Friday until 9 p.m. Sunday. Since there is a home football game this weekend the stadium will be cleared for the game. Travis said, “We encourage folks to use the garages or locate parking spots that are free around the activities that they're attending.” 

3. Where to sleep?

As of now, the 24-room hotel on campus is booked, but there are plenty of places to stay off campus. Travis said, however, most of the places around Ball State are probably close to full as well. When it comes to going anywhere and staying at a hotel, always make sure you make reservations in advance. 

4. Events 

While you’re visiting Ball State there will be plenty of things to do the entire weekend. From games like Bingo to events including a Bell Tower Recital and Job Fair, campus will be buzzing with activity. The Recreation Center will also be open and inside there are basketball courts, soccer fields, exercise equipment and the rock wall. 

5. How do I get important information?

The Division of Student Affairs will be visitor’s go-to for any questions throughout the weekend. While resources such as a schedule have been published online, representatives will also be stationed in a tent at the scramble light. 


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