Ball State's University Police Department (UPD) arrested a man for trespassing into a residence hall and theft.
Jake Kline, 24, was arrested Wednesday for trespassing through Studebaker West and stealing laundry, a UPD affidavit states.
UPD received a report Sept. 3 of a theft from the eighth floor laundry room in Studebaker West. The theft occurred around 12:31 p.m. Sept. 2, the report states.
It also states in a video viewed by UPD officer Lt. David Huff, Kline removed clothing from a dryer and left the building with the clothing.
Kline was previously arrested in January 2018 for trespassing on campus. UPD has issued a notice of trespass against him, not permitting him on Ball State's campus ever since his trespass in December 2015.
Kline, who has a prior unrelated conviction for theft, was charged with theft and criminal trespassing, both level 6 felonies.

Jake Kline, 24, was arrested Sept. 4, 2019, by Ball State's University Police Department (UPD) for theft and criminal trespassing. UPD had issued a notice not permitting him on Ball State's campus ever since his trespass in December 2015. UPD, Photo Provided