Ball State is hosting students and their teachers from around Indiana for a camp that provides STEM education opportunities.
The second Migrant Education S.T.E.M. Technology Summit, from July 14-16, is a partnership between the Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE) Migrant Education Program (MEP) and Ball State Teachers College’s Educational Technology Program, a Ball State press release states.
“We are bringing together young students to campus to have them interact with all sorts of technologies as part of an effort to help them understand what education can do for their lives,” said Jon Clausen, associate professor of secondary education and education technology, in the press release.
IDOE’s website defines a migratory child as “any child ages 0-21 who moves across school district lines, either by themselves, or with a parent or guardian, to obtain qualifying seasonal or temporary agricultural work.”
It states that migratory children students often move multiple times per year — experiencing interrupted schooling in addition to other barriers they may face.
MEP is designed to help them “overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment,” according to the website.
The press release states the summit will engage students in problem-solving activities that develop communication, teamwork and leadership skills while exploring math, science and engineering concepts through different technologies and creating projects showing what they’ve learned.