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‘Men in Black: International’ is even worse than you think

by Emily Worrell Men in Black: International is a reboot of a franchise that’s been dead for many years, featuring absolutely none of the original directors, writers, or actors (excluding Emma Thompson in a minor role as Agent O). At this point, it seems like if anyone is disappointed, it’s their own fault for expecting this film to be halfway decent. However, I went in with extremely low expectations, and this film shocked me by actually managing to be even worse than I thought. It’s just another film turned out by Hollywood with the sole purpose of making money and no interest in honoring the original series, pleasing franchise fans, or even being remembered five seconds after leaving the theater.  The film follows Molly/Agent M (Tessa Thompson), who, after seeing an alien as a child and not being neuralyzed (that’s MIB for having her memory wiped), has dedicated her entire life to finding the Men in Black. Upon finding them, she manages to get recruited, and partners with resident handsome stock character bad boy Agent H (Chris Hemsworth) to take on what could be the agency’s biggest threat to date. 

One-dimensional characters

Image from IMDb

Seriously, who is enjoying this?

Image from IMDb
feel Thor: Ragnarok I think the fact that the director literally tried to quit mid-production is the perfect indication of how terrible this movie was.

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