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REVIEW: 'Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo' Episode 24: “Notorious B.I.G”

by Allyson McClain Disclaimer: This review contains spoilers for this episode and previous episodes of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.

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The last we left off with Giorno and the crew, they had just defeated the stand users of Talking Head and Crush. With no more apparent assassins trailing them, Bucciarati plans on them getting into a plane to get Sardinia as fast as possible, a plan that has Jojo viewers restless. In the Jojo universe, referencing back to Stardust Crusaders, riding a plane when you are being targeted by stand users generally never turns out well. It is a decent thought that this was the best way to keep a safe distance from potential new pursuers while also confusing the enemy about their exact location. Bucciarati is even smarter about this when he chose to board an empty plane and let Abbacchio’s stand, Moody Jazz, fly the plane by recalling the pilot’s movements. It’s a pretty cool use of Moody Jazz’s power, one I would have never thought of. Things start to look a little hectic when an enemy appears before the plane begins to take off. Mista kills the man in an instant with his six pistols but not before Giorno, Narancia, and Mista get a look at the man’s stand for only a moment. The stand user had no lines but the sound effects he himself had were chilling, and the noise he made while he was smiling was terrifying. A man so ready to die, and we realize why when weird things start to appear in the plane. Fingers, to be exact, and they start to show up in the fridge. As the gang starts to figure it out, the background music is reminiscent of the sound the stands user’s voice made when he first appeared, a creepy chilling sound before he was shot. That fact alone is terrifying, which makes me appreciate the soundtrack of this episode even more. The freakiness of this occurrence is not lost in the scene, a stand that appears when one is dead.
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It does beg the question: how did that assassin know his stand could do that before he actually died? His stand’s name is Notorious B.I.G (called Notorious Chase in the sub), a fitting name for a stand that could make the living fear for their lives. It absorbs or infects someone by touch, eating them alive, and grows the moment it touches a stand or human. The stand follows noise, as Trish figures out later on; it will follow the movement of something without fail like a remote stand would do. It’s faster than a plane, and when Giorno makes a desperate move, everything gets rather dark. Notorious B.I.G devours part of Mista and Narancia’s stands which directly hurts them. Giorno cuts off both of his arms in attempt to stop the stand, the sacrifice that could have cost him any sort of recovery. That is not the end of Notorious B.I.G, as we have Trish being the main character witnessing its return to the plane. Trish, realizing that the stand must have flown toward the jet, reacts to its movement. This is a turning point for Trish to become a main part of Part 5, something I have personally been hoping for since she was introduced to the show. We know she has some sort of stand, but she hasn’t yet brought it forth into the corporeal world. Hands down we are going to see some Trish development soon, and I am excited for it.  Trish is being viewed as more concrete of a character, rather than being just the boss’s daughter. We are getting some more details to her character with the way she is reacting to Notorious B.I.G, how she is reacting to Giorno’s stand remaking his arms, and being the new target of Notorious B.I.G. Will she finally find the strength she needs to fight for the people who have protected her? The development is much needed, and the music going in the back shows promising hope that she will not be cast aside for Bucciarati to save the day. This will be a journey for Trish, and now, with a time limit put in place with Notorious B.I.G closing in on Golden Experience, things are certainly getting more dire. Trish is needed more than ever.

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