OUR VIEW: The Daily News grades outgoing SGA slate Amplify

<p>Student Government Association (SGA) slate Amplify pose after being slated for SGA elections Feb. 12. SGA President Isaac Mitchell said the slate has completed 14 of its 16 platform points. <strong>Madeline Grosh, DN File</strong></p>

Student Government Association (SGA) slate Amplify pose after being slated for SGA elections Feb. 12. SGA President Isaac Mitchell said the slate has completed 14 of its 16 platform points. Madeline Grosh, DN File

Each year, The Daily News analyzes and assigns a grade to the outgoing Student Government Association (SGA) slate. 

The Daily News first spoke with members of the executive slate, Amplify, in 2018 when they were campaigning to become the next SGA slate. 

After observing its year in office, here are our findings:

Amplify set an ambitious goal of completing 16 platform points during its term, almost double the points of the previous slate.

RELATED: The Daily News’ point-by-point analysis of Amplify’s year in office

The slate was fairly transparent and generally responsive to questions from the community and The Daily News, which helped build trust.

Members of the slate also proved to be resourceful, guiding students and reporters to the appropriate people when approached with an issue.

It was also able to make progress on most of its platform points and was a good partner to student organizations. The president said Amplify members spoke to Spectrum leadership to get involvement and input for one of the slate’s points. 

Overall, The Daily News believes Amplify had good intentions for completing most of its goals. However, not all of them were completed. 

When asked about the progress of the platform points, the slate sometimes was unable to provide substantial evidence for its work.

As it set out to complete its points, Amplify seemed to lack an understanding of how Ball State works, in that the slate was unsure, at times, how to communicate with university administration to complete certain points.

What seemed to be a lack of communication between slate members themselves was also troublesome, when they sometimes seemed to have a different understanding of the details of certain points. During one interview, members were unsure whether three or four shuttles were sent to the Minnetrista Farmers Market and could not agree on the number. 

Considering the slate’s work as a whole, The Daily News has determined Amplify has earned a grade of B- for its work.
