Two instances of sexual misconduct reported at Ball State

Ball State sent a campus-wide Public Safety Advisory email at around 8:45 p.m. Tuesday, after two instances of sexual misconduct were reported to the Ball State University Police (UPD).

According to the email, the victims and suspects are different in both cases and UPD received both reports on Tuesday.

RELATED: Sexual assault reported in residence hall, 3rd since beginning of semester

The first instance was a reported fondling that occurred in an on-campus residence hall on Sunday. The second instance was a reported sexual assault that occurred in an on-campus apartment on Monday. In both reports, the suspect is known to the victim, according to the email.

No further information was included in the email. This is the second Public Safety Advisory email sent to campus and the second and third instances of sexual misconduct reported this semester.

RELATED: Sexual assault reported in residence hall

The first reported sexual assault of the semester had occurred in an on-campus residence hall Feb. 16.


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