Here's how Ball State students can vote in the 2019 SGA election

<p>Empower, Elevate and United kicked off their campaigns for 2019's Student Government Association (SGA) Elections Tuesday. The Daily News fact checked the 38 platform points to see how feasible they are to complete or implement. <strong>Photos: Scott Fleener, DN; Graphic: Emily Wright, DN</strong>&nbsp;</p>

Empower, Elevate and United kicked off their campaigns for 2019's Student Government Association (SGA) Elections Tuesday. The Daily News fact checked the 38 platform points to see how feasible they are to complete or implement. Photos: Scott Fleener, DN; Graphic: Emily Wright, DN 

The week of campaigning has passed Ball State by, meaning it’s time for students to vote for next year’s SGA executive slate.

Voting will be available 8 a.m. Monday through 5 p.m. Tuesday, and is available online and in-person.


Students can vote through a campus-wide email link sent by the Office of Student Life from  whatever device students can access their email. The email will be sent at 8 a.m. Monday and will close at 5 p.m. Tuesday.


Students can vote at one of three polling locations:  the David Letterman Building, Bracken Library and the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. Voting booths will be available  9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday and Tuesday.

Isaac Mitchell, SGA President, said that voter turnout may be higher than last year, due to this year’s campaigning being “heated”. Last year,  Mitchell’s slate, Amplify, ran unopposed.


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