Ball State SGA votes to revise emergency alert text system

<p>Student Government Association's (SGA) At-Large caucus discusses with its senators during the senate meeting held Feb. 20, 2019, at the L. A. Pittenger Student Center ballroom. The senate passed a resolution to revise Ball State's emergency alert text system. <strong>Rohith Rao, DN</strong></p>

Student Government Association's (SGA) At-Large caucus discusses with its senators during the senate meeting held Feb. 20, 2019, at the L. A. Pittenger Student Center ballroom. The senate passed a resolution to revise Ball State's emergency alert text system. Rohith Rao, DN

Student Government Association (SGA) senators voted for a resolution requesting that the Office of Risk Management at Ball State change the university’s emergency alert system for text alerts Wednesday at the senate meeting.

The bill authored by Cameron DeBlasio, At-Large senator, would change the system from an “opt-in” system to an “opt-out” system. The bill passed the senate 37-2.

“The idea behind it would be we want to show that we have the support of the senate backing this bill to request that they would make this change,” DeBlasio said. 

He said, if necessary, the senators could ask Matt Hinkleman, SGA’s vice president, to create an ad hoc committee where a group of senators would come together with the Office of Risk Management to collaborate on how to revise the system.

“There are several other schools in the MAC that do this,” DeBlasio said. 

According the website of Ohio University, another Mid-American Conference (MAC) school, if its employees have a cellular phone number listed in their personal information, Blackboard Connect automatically sends emergency text messages to that number. 

The senate also voted on and passed two bills amending the language of SGA’s bylaws: one clarifying the requirement of volunteer hours for senators and the other clarifying what happens when a member of SGA does not maintain their requirements. 

Later the senate discussed an amendment that establishes a requirement for all cabinet members to give one report each month. This report will be submitted either in front of the senate body or in writing to the chief of staff, to be distributed to all senators and executive members. 

Contact Rohith Rao with comments at or on Twitter @RaoReports. 


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