Ball State SGA slate Amplify completes 10 of 16 platform points

<p>On-Campus Chair Miryam Bevelle speaks to her caucus during a five minute meeting at the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019, in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. SGA slate Amplify has now completed 10 out of 16 platform points, with three points still in University Governance.<strong> Charles Melton, DN</strong></p>

On-Campus Chair Miryam Bevelle speaks to her caucus during a five minute meeting at the Student Government Association (SGA) meeting Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019, in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center. SGA slate Amplify has now completed 10 out of 16 platform points, with three points still in University Governance. Charles Melton, DN

Student Government Association (SGA) slate Amplify continues to complete its platform points. 

Since the last platform point update, Amplify has added three more points, making a total of 10 points completed out of 16, said Isaac Mitchell, president of SGA, at the SGA meeting Wednesday, Feb. 13 in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center.

Mitchell said another three points are awaiting University Governance, and that SGA has done all they can on those points 

Completed Points:

Extended Bracken Library weekend hours

Mitchell said Bracken Library will be extending its hours on the weekend of finals. He said that SGA will advertise the extended hours as time comes closer.

“We understood it was a long shot to get that as a long term thing,” Mitchell said. “But we did get those extended hours and they are going to be permanent.”

Student appreciation day

SGA held a student appreciation event on Nov. 28 in the David Letterman Communication and Media Building, handing out doughnut holes to all students. 

Mitchell sai there will be another event, but he is unsure when.

Outlet for student input

Mitchell said Amplify is currently going through data from a survey sent out last semester and forming an action plan.

Last semester, SGA sent out surveys regarding student input for extending Bracken Library hours. Mitchell said SGA has focused on using surveys as a way of getting input from students. 

This point is considered completed but ongoing, Mitchell said.

Football shuttles

Last semester, a total of six shuttle buses were sent out to football games, costing a total of $4,149, according to a previous Daily News report

Farmers market shuttle

Three shuttles were sent to the Minnetrista Farmers Market last semester. The three shuttles cost a total of $561, according to a previous Daily News report.

Service opportunities

SGA worked with Student Voluntary Services (SVS) during their Angel Tree Gift Wrapping last semester on Dec. 3, 2018. 

Mitchell said he has yet to hear any suggestions from other senators, but he is still open to them.

Parking passes for expectant mothers

At the beginning of last semester, SGA and Parking Services began giving parking passes to expectant mothers. 

Mental health awareness 

SGA held a mental health fair 7-10 p.m., Nov. 6 at the ballroom in the Student Center, and a speaker from 7:30-9 p.m. on Nov. 28 at the Student Center. 

Mitchell said SGA wants to speak with the organization and on-campus caucus at the SGA to see if there is anything more they can do.

Sexual assault awareness

SGA hosted a Title IX panel to allow for students to express their concerns regarding changes to the Title IX law. The event was held 6 p.m., Nov. 9 in the Student Center. 

Mitchell said while the point can be considered completed, he still wants SGA to co-host an event before the semester is over.

Shuttle to downtown

From 4:45 - 9 p.m., April 4, a shuttle will be carrying students from campus to a downtown event called First Thursday, where Muncie and Ball State community members promote art and culture.

University pending:

Preferred names

SGA wants to allow students to provide their preferred name the university would enter into the system.

Mitchell said he has sat down with administration and said they are currently working on implementing the system.

Recycling information

Mitchell said SGA has reached out to Ball State Dining, but they have yet to get back to SGA Vice President Matt Hinkleman.

“So, again, we as SGA did everything we can and we are just waiting for the follow through from Ball State,” Mitchell said. 

ROTC priority scheduling 

Mitchell said the SGA has done everything it can with ROTC priority scheduling, and that it is up to university governance to move forward with it. 

He also said it was at the point, “where we have to throw up our hands and let Ball State take the wheel.”

Not complete:

Relocating trash and recycling bins

Mitchell said all the work is done on SGA’s end, and that they’ll be meeting next week with administration. 

“Our goal is to really get this going with a partnership of us and the groundskeeping people and really make this happen,” Mitchell said. 

He said the data they’ve gathered shows that not every trash can has a recycling bin next to it. 

Hygiene product bins in restrooms

Mitchell said he has been reaching out to the university with no success, so he plans to be “annoying” until he gets “a definitive yes or a definitive no.”

According to Mitchell, costs have all been worked out, and the only thing they are waiting on is a talk with administration.

Multicultural resource center

Mitchell said he’s working with other student organizations to have events promoting multiculturalism. 

He urged his senators to reach out to people as well.

Contact Charles Melton with comments at or on Twitter @Cmelton144.
