Winter blast on the way

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team
Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

 Tonight: Tonight we will be seeing lows down into the teens approaching single digits. Winds coming out of the South will cause wind chill values to be below 0 degrees. If you are going to be out and about tonight be sure to bundle up. We will also see a chance of flurries this evening, no significant accumulation is expected.

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

Tomorrow: Tomorrow we will see highs only into the teens. Winds will still persist with cold wind chill temperatures. Over the course of the day, we will see temperatures slowly decreasing with winds still persisting.

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

Next few days: Over the next few days we will be seeing bitterly cold temperatures moving into the area. Wednesday the high may not even get above 0 degrees. Winds will pick up and cause very dangerous wind chills. Some tips to dress warmly in the weather are posted below!

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

WIND CHILL WATCH: We are currently under a Wind Chill Watch from Tuesday evening through Thursday afternoon. Wind chills could be seen pushing into the -30s or -40s. Be sure to dress warmly if you must go out at all!

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

7-Day Forecast:  Over the next 7 days the temperatures begin to drop tomorrow afternoon, and will be continuing to stay very cold through Thursday. Our biggest concern is wind chills and the dangerous cold temperatures on the way. Over the weekend, we finally see the cold let up and milder temperatures return.

Photo Provided by NewsLink Indiana Weather Team

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