Art Mart has everything an art student at Ball State needs. We cannot possibly list every item here, but we can tell you about 7 things that set Art Mart apart and you can visit their website to learn so much more!
1. Jabba the Cat
Yes, the cat is at the top of the list. How many businesses out there have rescue pets freely meandering around the store, unconcerned with what customers are doing in its little kingdom of sorts? A gray, fluffy cat with a walk as regal as the Queen of England can only be a plus!
2. Support Small Businesses
Small Business Saturday only rolls around once a year, but why not support local small businesses more often than just once? Muncie is home to a variety of mom-and-pop, family-owned businesses, and Art Mart is one of many businesses that make up a large portion of Muncie’s economy and history.
3. Art Mart has everything an artist could want
Art Mart has everything from architecture supplies for introductory CAP classes to acrylic paints for that 400 level art class. And what can’t be found in the store can most certainly be found online, and should arrive at a store within a week.
4. Sales
Art Mart not only has frequent sales, but they make sure you know about it by advertising in our publications here at Ball State. Stop in now for Art Mart's Welcome Back to School sale through Jan. 20!
5. Community Art Projects
Oftentimes, customers walk into an art store, find what they need, and leave. However, sometimes Art Mart will allow you to sample products, like certain kinds of paint with a sample canvas. At the end of the day, there’s a whole new piece of art with strokes from multiple artists in the community. To an artist, Art Mart is like a candy store. Buying new paints or canvases at Art Mart brings the same joy and excitement as getting a new box of crayons in first grade. When is craft time?
6. Genuine people
Karen Fisher and her husband, Paul, purchased the independent business in 2003. Their daughter, Elizabeth Guffey, manages the store, and employees Brittaney Edwards and Tracy Jarrett both graduated from Ball State’s Art Department. Each employee at Art Mart has their own area of expertise and artistry, and is more than willing to help customers with any concerns, and even suggest ideas to help with their projects. Art Mart may lack in “big-box store” convenience, but they more than make up for it in knowledge and helpfulness.
7. Stone’s throw away from campus
Quite often, if a Ball State student needs to go shopping, they catch a bus to the nearest Walmart and hope that the big-box store has what they need. While Art Mart doesn’t carry groceries, their art supplies are top of the line, and there’s no need to find a ride when you can simply walk a few blocks over. How much easier can it get?
So next time you’re in the area, make sure to check out Art Mart for all of your art supplies, and don’t forget to pet Jabba on your way out.