by Jeremy Rogers The 2004 film The Day After Tomorrow was about a superstorm of cold ravaging the northern hemisphere. Only 44% of critics liked it, and fewer will likely be fans of Wednesday’s weather which is projected to reach below a -35 degree wind chill in parts of Indiana. People are advised to stay indoors as much as possible, and that means people will be looking for ways to kill time.
1. Watch Bird Box on Netflix
2. Check out the two Fyre Festival documentaries
3. Watch the new Netflix show Tidying up with Marie Kondo
Tidying up with Marie Kondo4. Stream the The Incredibles 2 on Netflix
The Incredibles The Incredibles 25. Get spooked playing Resident Evil 2
6. Delve into Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts IIIImages: WJLA GameRant Stevivor IMDb KonMari DBK News Detroit Metro Times