Ball State SGA approves Elections Board

<p>Student Government Association (SGA) unanimously approved the seven members of the Elections Board Wednesday. Election Chair Sara Maier said she felt the board was more than qualified to serve during the 2019 election. <strong>Charles Melton, DN</strong></p>

Student Government Association (SGA) unanimously approved the seven members of the Elections Board Wednesday. Election Chair Sara Maier said she felt the board was more than qualified to serve during the 2019 election. Charles Melton, DN

Student Government Organization (SGA) voted to unanimously approve the proposed Elections Board members.

The Elections Board consists of seven members: an elections chair, secretary, treasurer, debate coordinator, sheriff, press secretary and voting member.

The board’s job is to run and regulate the 2019 Executive Slate elections, with each member taking on separate responsibilities. 

Election Chair Sara Maier said she felt the board was more than qualified to serve during the 2019 election. 

“Everyone is really suited to the role that they have filled,” Maier said.

Elections Board members 

Elections chair

Sara Maier will serve as election chair. Maier’s job will be to oversee the board and behind the scenes work. 

Maier is a senior with a major in political science and a minor in philosophy and literature. 

She has previously served on the Elections Board as debate coordinator. 


Marisa Williams will serve as secretary. Williams’ job will be to take meeting minutes and lead meetings if the Elections Chair isn’t present.

Williams is a junior English literature major with a minor in religious studies. 

She has served in the Arabic Club as the secretary and currently serves as president. She also serves as an advisory board member for Late Nite.


Ren Halter-Rainey will serve as treasurer. Their job is to monitor and maintain the budgets of the executive slate, elections board and campaign. 

Halter-Rainey is a junior political science major, with minors in international studies and peace and conflict. 

They serve as treasurer for Gamma Rho Lambda and is a former SGA senator. 

Debate Coordinator 

Zoe Lawson is the debate coordinator. Her job will be to act as and appoint moderators for debates and help set up debates. 

Lawson is a triple major in political science, philosophy and Spanish. 

She has worked with Conference for Pre-College Philosophy, a group who built an outreach program for high school students interested in philosophy.


Jase Brown will serve as sheriff. Her job will be to monitor the campaign for any violations and report any to the Elections Board. 

“An example of a violation would be campaigning in a way that obstructs university functions,” Maier said.

Brown is a senior creative writing major, with German, French and TESOL minors.

She also serves on the Ball State Debate Team.

Press Secretary

Thomas May will work with student media and keep everyone informed on the board’s actions as press secretary.

May is a sophomore psychology and political science major.

He also currently serves on the Ball State Debate Team. 

Voting Member

Lauren Kamykowski’s position as voting member ensures the board has an odd number of votes, preventing a tie.

Kamykowski is a freshman international relations and French major, with an international resource management minor. 

She currently serves on Ball State Democrats and the Ball State Debate Team. She has also worked for Joe Donnelly for Indiana.

Contact Charles Melton with comments at or on Twitter @Charles61367249


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