Bracken Library weekend hours extended for test pilot

<p>Bracken Library will be closing at midnight instead of 9 p.m. on Dec. 7 and 8. Student Government Association slate Amplify has been working to extend weekend library hours since they unveiled their platform points last semester. <strong>Rachel Ellis, DN</strong></p>

Bracken Library will be closing at midnight instead of 9 p.m. on Dec. 7 and 8. Student Government Association slate Amplify has been working to extend weekend library hours since they unveiled their platform points last semester. Rachel Ellis, DN

This weekend, Bracken Library will have extended hours on Friday and Saturday, according to a Student Government Association (SGA) email.

Instead of closing at the usual time of 9 p.m., the library will conduct a test pilot where it will remain open until midnight on both Friday and Saturday.

Extended weekend hours were part of SGA executive slate Amplify's platform points, and the slate has been working toward approving the extended hours since its election. 

When The Daily News reached out to Matthew Shaw, dean of university libraries, to discuss the feasibility of the platform point last semester, Shaw said, “I simply don’t know the answer yet.” 

Early this semester, Amplify sent out a campus-wide survey about the library hours extension. SGA Vice President Matt Hinkleman said in October the organization received more than 1,000 student responses, with the majority wanting extended weekend hours. 


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