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REVIEW: ‘Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo’ Episode 6: “Moody Jazz’s Counter Attack”

Disclaimer: This review contains spoilers for this episode and previous episodes of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.

“Moody Jazz’s Counter Attack” opens on a mysterious enemy stand who  has taken Giorno hostage and is hiding within the ship. In the last  episode, Giorno flung himself at the enemy stand after Bucciarati  affirmed that Abbacchio’s stand can definitely solve the mystery. This  was all a stunt for Giorno to show Abbacchio that he was serious and  committed to Bucciarati’s gang and cause. In the process, Giorno was  stabbed, deflated, and taken to who-knows-where, but not before he left  his stand, Golden Experience, to help Bucciarati and Abbacchio try and  solve the mystery of where the enemy was hiding. The enemy now has  Mista, Giorno, Fugo, Ghirga in its clutches, alive but nowhere to be  found. This is how “Moody Jazz’s Counter Attack” starts, with Bucciarati  and Abbacchio trying to figure out where the enemy is, what his power  is, and where their friends have gone.

Image from Crunchyroll

A few minutes into the episode, Abbacchio’s backstory starts when he  had a job as a police officer, which was something unexpected since he  does not remotely act or look like a police officer. His flashbacks  dissected how he had watched corruption happen in his city and realized  he had become part of the cycle. After that realization, he saw a  robbery happening in front of him, yet he still allowed himself to just  accept that the man involved in the robbery would never be convicted of  anything. He figured he couldn’t break corruption in the police force,  and he started to let the criminal go when the criminal pulled out his  gun. A fellow officer took the bullet for Abbacchio’s mistake and died.  That officer’s death was a key factor as to why Abbacchio decided he  would no longer be a cop. As a backstory, it felt routine and somewhat  like a let-down at the same time. The fact that the series focused on  Abbacchio’s dream rather than his big appearance change, as well as the  aftermath of the officer killed, makes Abbacchio a hard character to  connect with or even like. It was clearly obvious that Abbacchio’s  backstory was geared toward the goal of showing why he was with  Bucciarati’s gang, but failed in gaining any sort of charm or explaining  what he did after he quit being an officer.

In the lyrics to the opening song, “Fighting Gold,” there are many  mentions of fate, dreams, and passion, all of which already playing a  big role in these beginning episodes of Vento Aureo. The fact  that dreams are being brought up in backstories does raise the question  of whether or not it will be a recurring theme in this part. The  placement of this backstory is also curious; it is right before  Abbacchio reveals his stand, and since all the other stands from  Bucciarati’s crew have yet to be seen, the viewer is left wondering if  this could be a trend in the show. It is a possibility based on how Vento Aureo  has been structuring their episodes thus far. This could potentially  make the randomness we love from the Jojo series into something of a  chore, or rather a routine, which I sincerely hope does not happen. It  would take some of the fun from Jojo and become a noticeable lag in the  series later on.

Abbacchio’s backstory would have been more successful at increasing  his likability if it had shown what happened after the incident rather  than before. They used the before to explain why Abbacchio joined  Bucciarati’s gang, but it could have been brought up later in the series  before a critical moment and done a better job at explaining  Abbacchio’s place in the gang. This sort of backstory viewpoint isn’t  effective of gaining fans of Abbacchio on a personal level; sure, he has  a cool stand, but a better backstory would have made him more  interesting as a character while still leaving mystery as to why he  joined the gang. As a fan, I think it would have been more interesting  to see the aftermath of his mistake and to see him at a vulnerable place  in his life. It definitely would make me feel for this character who is  currently still a bit of a jerk to Giorno.

Image from Crunchyroll

After this backstory we finally get to see Moody Jazz, who is  Abbacchio’s stand, and whose ability supposedly would be able to solve  the mystery and save the crew. This episode reveals that Moody Jazz is  able to play with time and show recordings of the past. Trying to figure  out the mystery was a real head-spinner, but somehow Bucciarati was  able to accomplish this by literally cornering the enemy with an attempt  to sink the ship, which was a decent option. The enemy stand’s power  was definitely confusing as a viewer, because no matter how many clues  they dropped, it was still difficult and even downright frustrating to  figure out. That’s why it is so unbelievable that Bucciarati was able to  solve it so quickly, but at the same time, you can tell Bucciarati  didn’t even fully understand the enemy’s ability to a degree judging by  his face when the enemy revealed himself.

The reveal was rather unexpected, and while it definitely made sense  when the enemy showed itself in boat form, the way Bucciarati unraveled  it is incredible to the point of being unbelievable. How Bucciarati was  able to figure out the mystery was difficult to understand without some  sort of visual. When everything was revealed, it all made sense, but it  was just too out there as an observation made by a single person, which  made the whole episode feel a bit superficial. The purpose of “Moody  Jazz’s Counter Attack” was to do two things: to show off Abbacchio as a  character and to build up to Moody Jazz’s reveal, both of which it did,  but sadly, it did nothing beyond that.

Images: Crunchyroll

Featured Image: Jojo Animation

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