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'Starlink: Battle for Atlas' is a fun, space-filled adventure

by Makayla Hughes Disclaimer: This playthrough is based on the PS4 version of the game. This copy of the game was provided by the developer for review purposes. Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a fun, space-combat adventure with nice looking graphics and a captivating storyline. From the start, I liked the crew of characters in the game, but was sad that I only got to see them in cutscenes or the times they popped up on my screen to tell me about missions and places I may be close to on a planet. It’s a fun game, but can also be challenging and just plain infuriating at points. However, it’s mostly a stress-free, straightforward game and is nice to pick-up when you need a breather or are looking for something fun and unique. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7Pvkyadzz0[/embed]

Always starship combat

Image from PlayStation

Confusing elements

Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Image from PlayStation

A need to complete

Image from PlayStation
Starlink: Battle for Atlas
Images: PlayStation Featured Image: PlayStation


