Student Government to offer shuttle to Homecoming game

<p>Transportation Services has its own lost and found system for items left on campus buses. The items stay in the system for approximately 30 days and&nbsp;are logged into an Excel spreadsheet,&nbsp;which lists the item, what day and bus it was found on as well as the approximate time it was found. <em>Samantha Brammer // DN File</em></p>

Transportation Services has its own lost and found system for items left on campus buses. The items stay in the system for approximately 30 days and are logged into an Excel spreadsheet, which lists the item, what day and bus it was found on as well as the approximate time it was found. Samantha Brammer // DN File

Rather than walking to Scheumann Stadium to watch the Cardinals take on the Eagles, students will have an option with wheels. 

The Student Government Association (SGA) is offering a shuttle service that will take students from main campus to the stadium and back. 

The shuttle will begin at 11 a.m. and run to the end of the football game. It will pick up students at the North Shelter, Studebaker West, the corner of New York and Riverside avenues, Emens Auditorium and the L.A. Pittenger Student Center bus shelter. 

After pick up, the shuttle will stop at Northside Middle School and those wishing to catch a ride after the game can be picked up there as well. 

Kickoff is at 3 p.m. 


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