Sexual assault attempt reported outside Emens Auditorium

Late Wednesday night, the university sent a campus-wide Public Safety Advisory email after a report of an attempted sexual assault outside on the northwest side of Emens Auditorium.

RELATED: Sexual assault reported in residence hall, 3rd since beginning of semester

Ball State University Police Department (UPD) received a campus security authorities (CSA) report of the assault, according to the email. Federal law requires CSAs to report non-identifying information about the crime, according to The Office of Victim Services. This includes date, location and type of crime.

According to the email, the suspect is described as a male wearing a windbreaker. It said anyone who may know information of the incident should contact UPD at 765-285-1111. 

This is the fourth Public Safety Advisory email regarding sexual assault sent to campus since the beginning of the semester. This includes a report of a sexual assault in the 1100 block of West Riverside Avenue in mid-August, a sexual assault that was reported in an on-campus residence hall Sept. 8 and a report of a sexual assault in an on-campus residence hall Sept. 21. 

RELATED: Police Chief, Step In. Speak Up. president share tips for keeping safe during Red Zone

According to the 2018 Campus Security Report, reported cases of rape and fondling on campus rose in 2017 in comparison to the two previous years. 


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