Ball State hosts employee open forum to discuss Strategic Plan

<p><strong>Charles Melton, DN</strong></p>

Charles Melton, DN

Ball State hosted a Strategic Plan Open Forum for employees on Wednesday in the Student Center Ballroom.

The forum’s goal was to give staff, faculty and service personnel the opportunity to interact with the Strategic Plan and provide the university with feedback. 

At the event, attendees went through two exercises, “shift and share” and “15 percent solution.”

The first exercise, “shift and share,” focused on having the attendees give feedback on certain prompts from the strategic plan. The idea behind the exercise is to give attendees a way to communicate their specific thoughts and concerns on various parts of the strategic plan. 

The second exercise, the “15 percent solution,” asked the attendees what imperatives they would like to focus on if they had 15 percent of their time freed, how they would work on their imperatives and what were the attendees willing to give to free up 15 percent of their time. 

Alan Hargrave, associate vice president for student affairs, said his 15 percent go towards improving the Living Learning programs on campus. 

“I think they need to be robust, they need to be available. They certainly add value to the students experience, so finding ways to enhance that is important,” Hargrave said. 

This isn’t the first time the staff has been able to interact with the Strategic Plan. According to Ball State President Geoffrey Mearns, over the spring and summer, the Strategic Planning Committee received input from the campus community in various ways.

“We’ve taken that input and distilled it down into a proposed plan,” Mearns said. “But for us to complete this process successfully, we need more input from the community.” 

For any staff, faculty and service personnel that were not able to attend the meeting, an online survey is available until Oct. 21. The survey is also being distributed in paper form. 

The Strategic Planning Committee said it wants to set five year milestones to keep constant watch of the plan's progression.

“The next step in the process, as we complete the plan itself, is to develop metric and targets,” Mearns said. “Each year we will be able to assess our progress towards those five year goals. We are going to have an annual evaluation process, essentially a report card.” 

The next faculty Open Forum is set for 9:30 to 11 a.m., Friday, Oct. 12, in the Student Center Ballroom. 

Contact Charles Melton with comments at or on Twitter @Charles61367249.
