Sexual assault reported in residence hall, 3rd since beginning of semester

On Friday afternoon, the university sent a campus-wide Public Safety Advisory email after a report of a sexual assault in an on-campus residence hall. 

RELATED: Sexaul assault reported in residence hall

University Police Department received a campus security authorities (CSA) report of the assault, according to the email. Federal law requires CSAs to report non-identifying information about the crime, according to The Office of Victim Services. This includes date, location and type of crime.

While no further information was included in the email, this is the third reported sexual assault of the semester, which includes the report of sexual assault on 1100 block of West Riverside Avenue in mid-August and the report of a sexual assault in an on-campus residence hall Sept. 8.

RELATED: Sexual assault reported on Riverside Avenue

There were 27 cases of rape and 26 cases of forcible fondling reported to the university in 2016, according to the 2017 Annual Campus Security Report. Of those, 25 cases of rape and 20 cases of fondling were reported on-campus. In October 2017, there were three reported cases of sexual assault on Riverside Avenue.  


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