No family to be featured during Ball State Family Weekend

<p>Students and family wait outside Shafer tower to enter during family weekend Sept. 16, 2017 after the Bell Tower recital. This year, another Bell Tower recital is scheduled at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, along with other events families can attend on Family Weekend. <strong>Rebecca Slezak, DN</strong></p>

Students and family wait outside Shafer tower to enter during family weekend Sept. 16, 2017 after the Bell Tower recital. This year, another Bell Tower recital is scheduled at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, along with other events families can attend on Family Weekend. Rebecca Slezak, DN

The celebration of a Ball state student and their family is a Family Weekend tradition that has been around for decades; however, this year, there is no featured family. 

Travis Peters, the associate director of the Student Center, said every year announcements about sign-ups are posted on social media through the summer and during freshmen orientation, but no families signed up. 

“It is very unfortunate because this is the first year in quite a while that there has not been a family for Family Weekend,” Peters said. “We continued posting the announcements as much as possible because we really do believe we have a lot to offer, and we want all families to have the opportunity to apply.”

Normally, when there are multiple families who have submitted applications, all of their names would be printed, cut out and put in a hat for a random draw. Whomever is drawn is the family for the year. 

After the family is chosen and announced, they are given a free room in the Student Center hotel for the weekend, as well as a free package for the home football game and an invitation to all other events on campus. 

“We hope that the impact of not having a featured family on campus is minimal,” Peters said. “We are going to continue offering many opportunities to all of the other families that join us for Family Weekend, and we hope that they enjoy the time they spend on campus.”


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