9 new senators voted into SGA

<p>Student Government Association meets Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018 in Muncie. Nine new senators were elected at the meeting. <strong>Liz Rieth, DN</strong></p>

Student Government Association meets Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2018 in Muncie. Nine new senators were elected at the meeting. Liz Rieth, DN

“A person’s a person no matter how small,” freshman Jacob Hobbs said to Student Government Association (SGA) senators Wednesday. 

Hobbs quoted the familiar Suess phrase to encourage senators to vote him into a senate position. He used the quote to explain that while he may be a “small” freshman, he could be just as useful in senate, he said. 

Hobb’s quote worked.

He was one of nine new senators to be voted into the 2018-19 SGA senate. 

As a senator, Hobbs and the others will have the chance to work and create SGA legislation that could impact campus, SGA president Isaac Mitchell said at last week’s meeting.  

In the past, SGA have been a part of implementing parking passes for expectant mothers and gender neutral housing.

Hobbs said he hopes to use his new position to improve the campus like senators have done in the past. 

“There are some things to change on campus,” Hobbs said. “If nobody is going to step up to change them, I am going to change them.” 

Hobbs said he is interested in running programs to promote unity on campus.

Before Hobbs was voted in, he and the other new senators were evaluated by current senate members. Senators questioned the students on their prior experience, time availability and commitment to SGA.

One of the deciding factors in voting in Hobbs was his already noticeable commitment to SGA, senator Kirk Malone said during senate discussion.

“He has a lot of courage to come up here as a freshman two weeks into school,” Malone said. 

Contact Liz Rieth with comments at ejrieth@bsu.edu or on Twitter @liz_rieth.


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