Dining Services changes meal plan hours

<p>Dining Services is changing its meal plan hours. Breakfast hours have been extended and dinner and lunch swipes are now overlapped to ensure flexibility. <strong>Madeline Grosh, DN</strong></p>

Dining Services is changing its meal plan hours. Breakfast hours have been extended and dinner and lunch swipes are now overlapped to ensure flexibility. Madeline Grosh, DN

Ball State students may need to alter their eating routines with the recent changes made to meal plans. 

This decision was meant to give Ball State students more choice by adjusting the official breakfast, lunch and dinner times.  

Breakfast hours were extended so that the new times are 6:45 a.m. to 11 a.m. Students now have the ability to use two meal swipes for lunch and dinner between the hours of 11:01 a.m. and midnight. 

Dinner and lunch times used to be separate, but are now connected so students have more flexibility in choosing when they eat. 

If a student wants to use one swipe for lunch at 1 p.m. and another swipe for dinner at 4 p.m. then they are allowed to. 

This new system was implemented on Aug. 13. Dining Services intends for it to keep going the entire academic year and beyond that timeframe. 

Karen Adkins, the director of University Dining Services, said, “At this time we are planning for the meal plan to stay the same in the future. Ball State University Dining is committed to remaining progressive in meeting our students’ needs, and we anticipate that this transition will be successful.” 

Adkins said the change came after receiving student feedback from Dining Services’ annual survey. Supposedly, many students were annoyed by the previous time restrictions and the new times are the Dining Service’s solution.

However, some people are still not satisfied with how the meal plan structure works. 

“I believe that our meals should transfer over to the next academic semester, so students are not pressured to use up their entire meal plan every week,” Freshman Merrill Gourley said. “This way I would not have to worry about losing unspent money until the entire academic year ends.”

Senior Derek Smith said he enjoys the new changes. 

“I think that the new changes are a win-win for the students and the staff that work in dining,” Senior Derek Smith said. “Students don’t have to rush as much to get their meals anymore, and there are fewer complaints to deal with on the administrative side of things. I’m happy with how things are currently looking.”

If you want to contact them or stay updated on their services, information is always provided on their website or on Twitter

Contact Rus'sel Butts with comments at rlbutts@bsu.edu.



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