What to expect from the Centennial Celebration

<p>Seniors entering Ball State Gymnasium to attend the tenth annual commencement exercises at BallState Teachers College. Degrees and certificates were conferred on 474 students. As innovation in the exercises this year was the procession from the Administration Building to the gymnasium led by faculty members in caps and gowns. Members of the faculty were followed by the candidates for degrees. At the entrance to the gymnasium the ranks of the faculty separated and reviewed the graduates as they marched into the building. <strong>DMR Photo</strong></p>

Seniors entering Ball State Gymnasium to attend the tenth annual commencement exercises at BallState Teachers College. Degrees and certificates were conferred on 474 students. As innovation in the exercises this year was the procession from the Administration Building to the gymnasium led by faculty members in caps and gowns. Members of the faculty were followed by the candidates for degrees. At the entrance to the gymnasium the ranks of the faculty separated and reviewed the graduates as they marched into the building. DMR Photo

The Centennial Celebration list of events is long for Cardinals past and present. 

For starters, Ball State will celebrate its 100th birthday with a public opening event Sept. 6 at Emens Auditorium.

The university’s external kickoff Centennial Celebration, which follows an internal celebration in June, will feature a wide variety of events and activities. for Cardinals past and present. 

Emens Auditorium will open at 6:30 p.m. with a casual red carpet preview. At 7:30, Ball State will show its very own student-produced documentary “From Normal To Extraordinary: Ball State’s First Century.” The Ball State Symphony Orchestra will perform along with the documentary. 

“This is a very special year,” said Kathy Wolf, vice president for marketing and communications. “It’s already a special year for Ball State because of some of the wonderful things going on, but this milestone of our centennial makes it even more special.”

To date, 1,800 tickets of the available 3,000 have already been distributed for the kick-off event. Tickets are free to anybody who stops by the Emens box office. 

Read the entire story here.


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