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What '13 Reasons Why' did right (and wrong) in season 2

By Baylie Clevenger The opinions and views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not reflect the opinion of Byte or Byte’s editorial board. As a preface for this article, I would like to say that anyone who is sensitive to topics like assault, sexual assault, gun violence, suicide or bullying may not want to read on. On May 18 the Netflix original “13 Reasons Why” made a comeback with season two. The show has been controversial from the first season and the newest one is no different. Social media is still buzzing with opinion after opinion about the show.

Image from Variety
I have my opinions about the show as well, I fall somewhere in the middle. There were a lot of really great things about the show but also a lot of not so great things. Beginning with what they did right, here’s a list of just a few: (Warning: anyone who has not watched this season and plans to should stop here because there WILL be spoilers.)

What Went Right

1- The court cases.

People v. Brock Turner

Image from Huffington Post

2- LGBT issues

Leelah Alcorn

Image from ABC News

3- Stories of sexual assault victims


4- Trigger Warnings

What Went Wrong

1- Graphic Scenes

Image from Buzzfeed

2- The Finale

3- Clay

Wikipedia RAINN Variety Huffington Post ABC News Buzzfeed

