Legislators approve $79 million for I-69 work

Indiana Department of Transportation Facebook, Photo Courtesy
Indiana Department of Transportation Facebook, Photo Courtesy

Hoosiers who use I-69 to commute to Delaware and Madison counties know that potholes plague the roadway. And while those pesky potholes will soon be fixed, workers will have to factor in an extended commute. 

State legislators approved contracts to Walsh Construction and Rieth-Riley that would provide $79 million for added travel lanes and maintenance on I-69. 

According to an Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) press release, the construction will affect I-69 from north of the State Road 38 interchange near Pendleton to north of the State Road 32 interchange near Daleville. 

The contractors will add an 8.4-mile-long travel lane from mile markers 219 to 227. They  also will perform more than 6.5 miles of pavement maintenance from mile markers 227 to 233.

The county will perform maintenance on the following bridges:

• Old SR 132/Main Street over I-69
• County Road 400 West over I-69
• I-69 over CSX Railroad (south of I-69 & SR 38/Dr. MLK Boulevard interchange)
• SR 9/SR 67 over I-69
• I-69 over Prairie Creek
• I-69 over Old SR 109/Columbus Avenue
• I-69 over CSX Railroad (south of I-69 & SR 9/109 interchange)
• I-69 over SR 9/SR 109
• I-69 over Sly Fork
• SR 236 over I-69
• I-69 over Brandon Ditch
• I-69 over SR 67

“INDOT understands this project means a great deal to those commuters on that stretch of I-69,” said LaMar Holliday, the media relations director for INDOT. “This project is a representation of INDOT’s model of taking care of what we have. We look forward to its completion in 2020.”

Justin Dollar, a Ball State junior, uses I-69 to commute to Ball State every day. He said I-69 needs repairs, but he hasn’t had any problems with his car while commuting. 

“When taking a trip to Fishers, there are a number of potholes from around Anderson to Indy, getting worse the closer you get to the capital,” Dollar said. 

Contact Kraig Younts with comments at jkyounts@bsu.edu.
