A new dynamic

Families are changing, but the idea of the perfect family is just as unrealistic as ever.

Sydney Cox, a sophomore at Ball State University, was home for summer vacation. While she was home, it was her responsibility to pick up her 9-year-old sister, Faith, from school. But when Sydney got to the school, she did not get the warm embrace from her sister that she was hoping for.

The hug Sydney expected was replaced by tears. Faith explained that her classmates were making fun of her because Sydney was picking her up.  They all thought there was no way the two girls could be sisters because they looked nothing alike.

They said Faith must have been adopted, and she and Sydney weren’t real sisters.

Sydney has bright blue eyes and blonde hair that matches her mother’s. Faith’s eyes are brown like her hair, which is just as deep and warm as the color of her skin.

Sydney is the biological child of Amy and Tom Cox, while Faith and her brother Mateo were adopted. Faith’s birth mother had her in 2008 and her younger brother Mateo in 2010. Adoption was what merged this family together. Faith and Mateo’s mother was very involved before they were born and was even a part of the naming process. Faith and Mateo may have come from different parents than Sydney, but they have been a part of the family since the Coxes brought them home from the hospital.

The words of Faith’s classmates angered Sydney. She did not view her relationship with her sister the way they did.

“Here is this little girl that I love more than I could love anything, and I don’t understand how anyone could feel differently,” Sydney says.

To continue reading, visit ballbearingsmag.com.


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