Simply Daisy: One small act, one big impact

Liz Rieth is a freshman journalism major and writes "Simply Daisy" for The Daily News. Her views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Liz at

Big actions are what change the world, right?

You have to step out there and proclaim loudly to the whole world the change it needs. And only then, can you make a difference.

That’s how I used to feel — but, there’s more to change than global leaders and actions.

Sometimes, change starts small. It starts with a single, minute action that snowballs into more actions, that grow larger and larger. 

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples,” said Mother Teresa. 

Your actions impact others, and those others pass on the impact of you creating a ripple. On and on the ripples spread reflecting your smallest actions — even a pebble disturbs the water.

However, the type of pebble you throw determines the type of ripples you create. Negativity breeds negativity but positivity breeds positivity. 

Because of this, each pebble I throw, every action I take — I want it to stem from kindness. 

For me, my desire to be kind comes from my faith. But, kindness has benefits for everyone. When people start to be more intentionally kind, it is beneficial to both themselves and their communities. 

In fact, kindness has been proven to be good for you.

In a study by the University of British Columbia Study, a group of individuals performed at least six acts of kindness a week. In just one month, there was a significant increase in positive moods and relationship satisfaction.

Additionally, people who are kind and compassionate are usually the most successful according to the New York Times article “Nice Guys Finish First.”

But besides benefiting you, kindness benefits your community. One small action spread to those around to bring about love, happiness and contentment.

I saw this in play just the other day. While waiting in line for food, a stranger in front of me went to pay for his meal but could not find his card. His search for his card started to hold up the line when another girl took incredible initiative. She paid for his meal without hesitation.

Her intentional kindness was inspirational. For the rest of the day, I remembered how she had so easily thought of others before herself. Her kindness spread to me and then I spread it to others. Her small action impacted at least two strangers that day. 

Kindness is more than donating and volunteering. Kindness is when your heart resonates toward others and you genuinely care. 

You smile more, you open doors more and you say thank you more — kindness is giving more of yourself. 

Why? Because kindness is a small pebble that causes big ripples in the water.


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